
Ideas For Preventing And Treating Yeast Infections

by Dr. Chomba on Apr 15, 2016

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Living with a yeast infection can be painful, uncomfortable and embarrassing. Often times women are too embarrassed to seek out help for their problem. However educating yourself on the subject is the first step in alleviating yourself of this annoying problem. The following article has some great tips on how you can treat your yeast infection.

One of the best ways to help a yeast infection is to incorporate at least eight glasses of water into your routine each and every day. Water can help to flush out the toxins in your body, which is important to help control your infection and help it go away rapidly.

If you notice that you are not getting enough sleep, make sure that you are getting at least eight hours per day. This can also be broken down into naps as the day wears on, as sleep will help to get your body back to the functional level to prevent infections all around.

Few people realize that anyone–man or woman–can develop a yeast infection. The most common cause of yeast infections in males is wearing tight, brief-style underwear. This style creates warm and humid conditions, which is the ideal environment for yeast growth. A better option is to wear boxers made of cotton or other natural fibers.

If you have a yeast infection, try to reduce the hot and spicy foods that you eat during your meals and snacks. These types of foods can aggravate the infections that you have any make you feel very uncomfortable. Eat moderate foods if you want to feel comfortable with a yeast infection.

It is advisable to avoid any sexual intercourse during a yeast infection, as it is not only painful, but can spread around. Yeast infections can travel between partners, but if you must, always use a condom for protection. This will prevent any transfer of yeast infection between the partners.

Stay away from anything tight. Tight underwear, tight jeans and tight pantyhose can all cause excessive moisture and sweating. They also increase your body temperature, which makes it a fertile ground for bacteria growth that can lead to a yeast infection. Instead, wear loose fighting clothing when at all possible.

Choose natural fabrics when buying your undergarments. Synthetic fabrics like nylon retain moisture and can become a moist breeding ground for yeast. Natural fabrics like cotton or silk, on the other hand, absorb moisture. They will keep your skin dry and provide and environment that prevents yeast from growing.

The organisms that cause yeast infections love warmth and moist areas of the body. Try to limit your exposure in hot tubs and long hot baths. Doing this will reduce the chances of you getting a yeast infection. In the summer, try not to wear clothing that is too tight that will trap hot air around the vagina.

You should never use anything in your vaginal area that gives off a scent. These soaps and sprays that have scents are a main cause of increased probability for yeast infections. It is very important to avoid using scented tampons because they come in direct contact with your vagina. Do not use toilet paper that is colored or scented.


Whenever you take prescribed antibiotics, it is a good idea to take probiotics as well. Antibiotics eradicate the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria, and that can lead to an overgrowth of yeast cells which cause a yeast infection. Taking probiotics can help restore the good bacteria in your system, making it less likely that a yeast infection will occur.

If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, try eating more yogurt. Yogurt contains good bacteria and cultures that can bring your vaginal flora back in balance. Improve your overall health and reduce your risk of yeast infections by eating a daily cup of yogurt.

Probiotics are a great product to consume if you desire to calm yeast infections. Yogurt contains acidophilus, a healthy bacteria that’s perfect for keeping yeast under wraps. Probiotics are also available in the form of a pill or powder.

If you are prone to frequent yeast infections, you should consider taking a supplement that contains additional beneficial bacteria. These bacteria balance your bodies good and bad microorganisms. They are often called prebiotics and probiotics in the stores. Ask the professional at the health food store which one they recommend to balance your bodies microbial system.

Whenever you take an antibiotic, it makes your body more prone to yeast infections. You do not needlessly need to suffer with the itching and burning of an yeast infection, though. As soon as your start taking that first antibiotic, also start taking a probiotic. You can purchase it in a powder form and add it to a fruit smoothie. You can also eat yogurt. Acidophilus, a bacteria found in yogurt, is a probiotic. You can also get probiotics in a pill form, if that is your preference.

Eat yogurt! Yogurt has lots of helpful probiotics that can help your body fight and cure a yeast infection. Just make sure the yogurt you are eating is real yogurt and contains active cultures. Eat a serving or two of yogurt each day and you can help your body naturally cure a yeast infection.

If taking antibiotics usually leaves you with an annoying yeast infection, ask your doctor about complementary probiotic supplements. Probiotics, by balancing out biotic levels, decrease the likelihood that you will develop yeast infections when using antibiotics.

The friendly bacteria known as probiotics are present in dairy products, especially natural yogurt and buttermilk. These friendly bacteria are also available in certain candy made especially for this use. However, the best way to get these friendly probiotics in your system is to include natural dairy products in your diet every day.

As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, it is extremely important to educate yourself on how to deal with a yeast infection so that you are prepared should that unfortunate day ever arise. Make sure you use the tips explained so you can combat your next yeast infection.

The post Ideas For Preventing And Treating Yeast Infections appeared first on Velobiotics - Nourish Your 2nd Brain.