Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
Of all the types of infections that can affect the vagina, bacterial vaginosis is one of the common ones. It is usually abbreviated BV. It’s a mild vaginal infection compared to some of the others and is more likely to appear in sexually active women, and those who routinely have several sex partners. However, it is important to note that it is NOT a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Women who smoke and douche are also more likely to get bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis happens when the balance between good and bad bacteria is off. Symptoms include a discharge and strong fishy smell, redness, tenderness and itching in the vagina.
Home Remedies For You to Try
If you have this annoying condition, try some of the more effective home remedies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis:
- Boric Acid Suppositories – Found in pharmacies or health food stores, a boric acid suppository will get rid of ammonia in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis uses ammonia to gather energy. You should get relief in the 14-day recommended regimen.
- Tea Tree Oil – This natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis has powerful antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components that offer a fast healing process. Simply put a few drops of tea tree oil on a tampon and insert into the vagina and do this twice daily.
- Ajwain – An herb that also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components that purify and clean away the toxins. Instructions for the remedy include placing some ajwain seeds on burning coals in a small dish, then squat over the fumes to let them enter the vagina.
- Curd – The healthy bacteria in curd fights unhealthy bacteria. Use a tampon soaked in curd and insert into the vagina before bed. In the morning, wash the vagina with warm water.
- Vitamins – Taking vitamin supplements such as A, C, D, E and B complex can help to rid the bacterial vaginosis condition.
- Acidophilus Capsules or Powder – This is an oral, non-antibiotic treatment that’s very effective in treating bacterial vaginosis.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – This ageless remedy can help with many medical issues, including bacterial vaginosis. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal components that heal the condition quickly. Use equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar and douche with the solution until the problem is solved.
- Vitamin E Cream – Use applications of vitamin E cream or powdered capsules to relieve itching around the vagina.
Be sure to purchase cleansing products that do not contain chemicals or perfumes. Instead, choose hypoallergenic body washes and soaps to keep the vagina clear of these irritating products.
Home remedies are a popular way of helping prevent recurring bacterial vaginosis and many women choose them over antibiotics. They’re safer and being all natural, your body can find relief from this irritating condition as nature intended.